Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bridal Shower

For my sister's bridal shower, I decided to play an unconventional game. It was more like a raffle than a game but everyone had a good laugh so I thought I would share. It's called "who has the groom?"

You will need:
  • tux print outs
  • index cards
  • pen/marker
  • scissors
  • magazines
  • glue
  • envelopes
To begin, cut celebrity faces from magazines. This is fun until you run out of good looking celebrities and have to resort to Dr. Phil. You will need as many faces as the number of people invited to the shower. Then, glue each face and tux to an index card and slip inside an envelope. One envelope should contain the groom-to-be.
You can fasten an envelope under each chair or hand them out. The guests should open them to reveal who has the groom and that person wins!
I was also quite proud with how this:
All you need are clothes pins, twine, tissue paper, and photos of the happy couple!